Monday, October 30, 2017

Feeling a little boho

I visited the Boho Couture fair the other day with my friend who, like me, RPs as a gypsy in SL. So when I got back home, I was feeling very boho! So I came up with this.

So pretty! I love the print and the yoke on the skirt. Comes in 8 colors and fits Maitreya, Slink and Belleza sizes. It's only $150L at the store

If you'd like a FREE version, hit my lucky board on your letter and grab this snazzy color combo. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

More new stuff!

YES! I'm such a busy beaver. I swear, once inspiration hits.. I just go go go.

How about MORE costumes?

The Mummy costume comes with sweet little bandage dress in Maitreya, Slink Phys & HG, and small and large AVs. Wraps are Omega Appliers! It's so cute and not quite the Sexy Mummy costume. Only $50L in the main store
Now, this isn't exactly a costume but bat wings are Halloween right? Love this top and skirt! They comes in Maitreya, Slink and Belleza sizes and 1 fitmesh size. $100L in the store.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

A new gift and a new costume!

If you haven't watched Bob's Burgers, you're missing out. It's hilarious and heartwarming. My favorite character is Tina, the oldest daughter. She loves butts, Jimmy Jr, and writing erotic friend fiction. I had to make a Tina costume for SL.
Uuuuuhhhhh.. It's Tina from Bob's Burgers! This is a great costume for those of us who are strong sensual women who put their bras on one boob at a time. Includes Tee & Skirt in Maitreya, Slink and Belleza sizes, Omega sock applier, mod unrigged glasses, and a cool holdable notebook! Touch it for a Tina soundbite! Just don't read your Erotic Friend Fiction out loud in the cafeteria. $100L in store now. 
I hope you're a @rOrO subscriber, cause I recently sent out a GREAT little gift. Some Jack O Lantern nails for Maitreya and Omega. If you'd like to get these nails, come to the store and slap the subscriber machine and then touch the little white box on the machine.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Blood just get EVERYWHERE

It does! Even on your shoes! A lovely lady in one of the MANY fashion groups I'm in was complaining that she couldn't find any adorable blood splattered boots to finish off her costume. Well, that was a cry for help and I can't help but answer those. Soooo.. TADA!
Yes! 8 colors, all splattered with blood. These are unrigged and I made them fit my Maitreya MID feet. They are very nice, I love the buckles and there's even blood on those too. $99L in the main store.

Another thing I've made recently is this warm little hoodie exclusively for The Guest List! There are 8 colors on the HUD so you and your friends can choose which squad you wanna be. I'm almost always the unicorn squad cause.. HELLO! Unicorns!
This is $99L and fits Maitreya, Slink Phys & HG, and Belleza Venus, Freya & Isis. So cute! Oh? There's no Shoe squad! But. there is!
This is the FREE version for The Guest List hunt. Find the little strawberry on my cart and get this cute shoe squad version FREE.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Costumes and other fun stuff

When inspiration strikes, you gotta strike! I love ombres and mermaids so when the inspiration stroke, I hit my Photoshop.

And you get - Mermaid print leggings! Look at those ombres! These are Omega layers and work on just about any mesh body, as long as you have the Omega HUD. You get 8 different ombres to play with. I suggest wearing a shirt with them but you don't have to. $49L in store.

Halloween is still coming and I'm working on costumes left and right. I'm sure everyone is doing a scary clown costume this year so in regular @rOrO fashion, I had to do something different. How about a sweet clean costume?
Comes with the dress for Maitreya, Slink Phys & HG, Belleza Freya, Venus & Isis and a fitmesh size. Try the FREE demo in store. Also includes the clown shoes with optional squeak walk, red nose with touch squeak and an Omega face paint applier! That face paint is really nice, I know, I made it! This WHOLE outfit is only $50L!

Now for a spooky, creepy gift! These hypno lenses spin! Comes in 5 sizes to fit your iris. They are mod and copy so you can tint them, adjust the transparency and size. And only $1L on the Gift Wall in store.  Pretty darn cool if I do say so myself.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Slacking on my blogging duties

I know I know! I've been slacking off on my blogging duties. It's extra hard today because there is a 25lb ball of hair known as my cat laying on my desk with his hair covering half my keyboard. I wonder if you can blog with only the lower half of your QWERTY keyboard?

On to the stuff!

Gifts are ALL over round here! I'm in 2 hunts right now and there's a 3rd starting soon. Let's see what we got as hunt gifts, shall we?

The Vintage Hunt: Started Sept 25th and runs til Oct 25th. You're looking for a cute umbrella and my hint is "What's better than floral prints? Ombre Floral Prints!" Here's a little pic of the hunt gift, some awesome 80's squiggle crayon nails. Love the 80's colors on these. Maitreya and Omega appliers included.
Then we have the F**K Yeah it's Fall hunt. I loved the name, so I had to join it! It started Sept 29th and runs til Oct 15th. My hint is "This is the purrfect shoe." I'm not so good at hiding and hints.. sorry! What can I say, I love fall and I love boots... soo.. fall boots?
Love the colors, love the sweater, love the style. These are unrigged so you can adjust them. They do have a resizer scripts to help make them fit. I got them to fit perfectly on my Maitreya body using the alpha HUD.

Starting soon is the All Hallow's Eve Hunt on Oct 7th til the 31st. The theme was spooky, scary, gory, haunted. I dunno about all that.. but I do know that Halloween around here is a little cold. You'll have to wait for the hunt to start to get the hunt BUT here's a preview of the hunt prize!
Cute little argyle scarf with a gold leafy heart broach. Comes in 3 colors and is mod and copy to help you fit it to your boobs and AV. Sometimes it's a pain fitting stuff over your boobs.. But boobs are nice.

So what have I been doing OTHER than making hunt gifts? Funny you ask!

I made some sunglasses that were requested. Have you ever seen Project Runway? You know the challenges that you have a client, and they request something but you have to make sure you make yourself come through in the design? That's how I treat requests and suggestions. The lovely lady asked for glasses that said Love and Hate in the lenses. I can do THAT!
See? I played around with the font and the opacity of the lenses. They are so fun and funky! I think the glasses look like lips on an open mouth, in the middle of saying Love or Hate! Only $50L in store. Comes with an 8 color HUD and are mod to adjust fitting. While I was at it, I made a gold and silver pair also to put out as a Third Life group freebie! It's on the wall next to the Third Life group joiner.

At this point, you're thinking "Wow Rowan! You're really filling up this blog post!" And here I go with MORE stuff! And MORE FREE STUFF? Yessiree!

I was working last night on a cable knit sweater. Kinda basic, but fun. How can I make a basic cable knit sweater a little more..... Rowan? Mix and Match! Color HUD! Funky dappled cowl neck! All of the above. The Cowled Sweater dress. Mix and match the dress and the cowl neck with the color HUD. Look at that chunky cable knit, hugging your curves. I think the vertical lines of the cable really shows off my hips and waist. The cowl neck has a speckled knit texture, really playing with the saturation and lightness in the color. You really should try the FREE demo in store. $150L and fits Maitreya, Slink Phys & HG, Belleza Freya, Isis & Venus.

 How about an exclusive color just in the MM board? You got it! This special color is only available in the MM board and then is gone, when I decide to replace it. and I seem to do that every 2-3 weeks for some reason. I think I get bored. I mean, I'm in the store all the time and I see the MM board every day. I get tired of the same thing. Maybe. This version also fits Maitreya, Slink Phys & HG, Belleza Freya, Isis & Venus.